You are currently viewing CryptoCurrency Mining JavaScript Websites – Mine BitCoin With WordPress, Drupal, And Joomla

CryptoCurrency Mining JavaScript Websites – Mine BitCoin With WordPress, Drupal, And Joomla

Load WordPress Sites in as fast as 37ms!

As a webmaster, I do not recommend this, because speed is an important factor when it comes to ranking, slowing down your visitor’s PC is not a good idea. Furthermore, we’ve seen the rise of WordPress hacking involving inserting these cryptocurrency javascript. Personally, I think these scripts work best on simple gaming sites, where visitors tend to stay longer. You will need to have their permission to run these script.

What to do if crypto-mining script infects your website? How to know if your WordPress site has been hacked and infected with these JavaScript CryptoCurrency Mining software? Download, install and scan your blog with WordFence Plugin. This plugin will remove the malware from your WordPress site. For those using Joomla, Drupal, Magento, and various PHP framework, GravityScan by the maker of WordFence is an online scanner for your site.


offers a Browser based web miner for the uPlexa BlockChain that you can embed on your websites. They utilize uPlexa as it is the most fitting for web based mining, and supports the underlying principles of privacy. Your visitors automatically run the miner in their Browser and mine UPX for you in return for an ad-free experience, on-site currency or whichever incentives you decide on.

  • Stealth and Unintrusive – Running our miner on your webite will go unnoticed by users after they click run if you set threads between 2-4.
  • Lightning Fast – Our service utilizes lightning fast connections, DDoS protection, multiple websocket proxies, firewalls, and multiple database servers to ensure 99.9998% mining uptime!
  • Works Accross All Devices – Our silent miner works accross all devices: Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Phones, Windows, Linux, and iOS.

Note: Exchange your uPlexa coin to BTC or USDT here on

2. CoinImp

CoinImp is the new effective JavaScript miner that can be easily embedded in your website. It’s an excellent alternative to annoying ads. This way users will pay you with their CPU power for accessing your content.

With CoinImp, MintMe is mined by using your visitors CPU resources which would be otherwise wasted. Why not Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other? Because MintMe value is quite high and it can be mined with similar efficiency by CPU and GPU, while mining other cryptocurrencies with CPU makes no financial sense.

Our JavaScript miner has more advantages than other javascript mining solutions. Their miner isn’t blocked by Anti-viruses or AdBlock and if it gets blocked eventually, they react and work hard to unblock it.

Note: Exchange your MintMe coin to BTC or USDT here on MintMe

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